Counselling is a collaborative effort between the counsellor and client. Our Professional counsellors help clients identify goals and potential solutions to problems which cause emotional turmoil; seek to improve communication and coping skills; strengthen self-esteem; and promote behavioural change and optimal mental health.

We enable clients to live more productive and satisfying life, Enhancing coping skills, helping individuals to cope with new situations and challenges, Promote decision making, assisting the individual to make good decisions, Improving relationships, Facilitate client's potential etc.

Self-awareness and the holistic development of humans as individuals are the desirable aims of atom international. We help you to see your Thoughts from a Different Perspective.

Purpose of our counselling is to help clients recognize their strengths, discover the beliefs and emotions that are restricting their emotional growth by talking openly and freely to someone who is impartial and emotionally free of entanglements.

We, at ATOM International respect the privacy of your personal information and are committed to collecting, using and storing your personal information responsibly.

Following are the counselling you can avail at ATOM.